Monday, 27 January 2014

Celebrities and crime

Howdy guys!
This blog was inspired by the recent media fiasco that is Justin Bieber. Whether you love his music or not, his actions speak louder than words. I know by saying what I am going to say will cause a little hate but we all have opinions and this is mine. He is a spoiled brat that needs to be taught that just because he is famous does not excuse any of his actions. Justin Bieber should be made accountable for all his actions with no exceptions. Any damage he has cause should be paid for from his pocket and he should be sentenced as any normal person would. His appearance in court via video feed is ridiculous, he should be made to sit in front of the judge in the court house.
Of course Justin Bieber isn't the first celebrity to go under the heat, many successful celebrities have been to jail or court for charges, many related to drug use. Robert Downey Jr for insistence, he was made accountable for his actions and now has a very successful career.
Unfortunately not all celebs see the error of their ways and many become repeat offenders receiving nothing but another slap on the wrist. What kind of world do we live in where a crime is not punished accordingly?
As a child I was taught that everyone was equal not matter the walk of life they come from. This isn't a new concept but in this day and age it feels like it is being forgotten/ignored because someone is famous or of another nationality. Famous or not everyone should be punished according to the severity of their crimes and nothing less. If we want to teach the next generation that you can't get away with doing the wrong thing we must show them that even when their role models do the wrong thing they get punished.
I know life isn't fair but we can at least make the justice system a little fairer.
As always if you have anything to say about this topic go ahead and comment but keep it respectful. Everyone has an opinion and that should not be judged.

Have a great day
AvengingJay :-)