Saturday, 18 May 2013

Weight; Is being curvey a bad thing?

There is a big argument around the world that thinner is better or thinner is prettier. Well I think anyone who says that are just jealous of the hips they don't have. We have all gone to school and have felt uncomfortable about your weight but why? Because we are programed to want to be better whether that be physically or mentally but we also want to be something we just aren't. Unfortunately this means many women and even men are concuss about of size and appearance. People say there no such thing as perfection but I think they're wrong. Perfection is what you think is your very best and no matter what anyone else think it will always be perfect.
Why is there a standard that say if your a little bit curvier then others you're fat or overweight and what people don't understand is that our world is full of opposites, there is always going to be day time and night and its the same with weight. We are never going to live in a world where all men have rock hard abs or where all women have a  perfectly flat tummy. Its just the reality. I'm not saying that it's because people don't want to be slender it's because of genetics and the cruel game it plays. If you come from a curvy family chances are you are going to match and the same with slender people. That's how the cookie crumbles and how our genes want us to look. Unfortunately that means some people will be curvy their whole life and not be able to change because physical they just can't but that doesn't mean people who have eaten themselves into curviness stay that way. They're have a choice to change.

"To be curvy is to be unhealthy" some say, clearly they don't understand the term healthy and need to be educated because you can weight 100kg and still be healthy it just genetics. Eat well doesn't necessarily mean your going to be as skinny as a model but you will lose some weight that many have been gain over the Christmas holidays or over a winter fest. I know people who exercise three nights a week and eat right but are still curvy because their whole family are just programmed that way. How many athletes have been called fat because they are getting a bit curvier. They train for a career. It isn't exercise for them it life but every now and then their body just gains a little weight and the get negative feedback from fans, coaches and the devil of media.
I hope that people finally realize that we are all different and that we will never EVER life up to society's expectations or views on perfection. So please don't try to be something you aren't. If you are happy with the way you look don't listen to anyone else because what other people say and think of you is none of your business. 
Writing any piece I'm going to get people who can relate and people who hate but with weight if people start commenting rude or hateful thing other people may get hurt so please consider others before commenting. I didn't write this piece because I want to hurt others I wrote it because in my honest opinion to have curves is awesome. It adds definition to a woman. It makes us what we truly are.

Human. :)
ps I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much as I said I would but I'll try to do it more frequently (once a fortnight... Maybe).